
Quaquaval nicknames

a humanoid Pokémon that resembles a duck and a carnival dancer. It has dark blue plumage with some light blue accents on its tail feathers, collar, and at the end of its forearms. It also has elongated red eyebrows and yellow feet with red bulbous tips on the ends of its toes.

Quaquaval was introduced in Generation 9 with a Water/Fighting typing so there’s plenty of inspiration for nicknames. It is the final evolution of Quaxly, evolving from Quaxwell at level 36.

Let’s look at some info on Quaquaval and suggested nicknames.


Quaquaval is a humanoid Pokémon that resembles a duck and a carnival dancer. It has dark blue plumage with some light blue accents on its tail feathers, collar, and at the end of its forearms. It also has elongated red eyebrows and yellow feet with red bulbous tips on the ends of its toes.

Quaquaval is known for its dancing and its incredible strength, being able to launch a truck away with a single kick. Interestingly, Quaquaval and Tsareena are rivals.

Etymologically, Quaquaval is a portmanteau of “quack”, “aqua” + “carnival”, representing it’s duck-like features, its Water typing, and its design being based on a carnival dancer. It may also relate to the word “quaquaversal”, a geological term meaning to slope downward from the center in all directions.


My methodology for nicknames is as follows:

  • I rank nicknames by lettered tiers: S, A, B, C, and D. S is the best and D is the worst.
  • I may use generative AI for inspiration. I’ll always mark these nicknames with an asterisk (*) but they’ll always be amended where necessary
  • I’ll usually list my inspiration for a nickname so you know where they came from

With all that said, let’s look at those Quaquaval nicknames!


  • Jerk Chicken - multiple entendre: the jerk is a type of dance, a chicken is a bird (obviously), and jerk chicken is… delicious!


  • Samba
  • Footwork
  • Swan Lake


  • Salgueiro - related to Acadêmicos do Salgueiro, a samba school that has won the Rio de Janeiro carnival 9 times!
  • HoldMeCloser - tiny dancer!
  • TinyDancer - as above
  • Quack Cole - a play on Jack Cole, an American dancer, choreographer, and theatre director.
  • Daisy
  • Donald
  • The Dancer
  • São Paulo
  • Duck Season
  • Crispy
  • Roasted - okay, enough of the macabre names…
  • CreamQuacker
  • Canada
  • Tuft
  • Quaquabill
  • Parade
  • Silva
  • Ruffles


  • Viviane - after Viviane Araújo, a famous Brazilian model and actress who has danced at the Rio de Janeiro carnival
  • Edd
  • The Duck
  • RubberDuckie
  • Fetch’d
  • Party
  • Bruce - after Bruce the Duck from Duck Attack
  • Pancake
  • A Moon Goose
  • Muscovy


  • Lou Bega/Mambo No. 5
  • Quaquadra
  • Quaqua
  • Quanza
  • Duck
  • Quaquavers

Do you have a favourite Quaquaval nickname or have a suggestion of your own? If you like any of my nicknames or want to suggest one of your own, head over to the contact me link on the left and email me your suggestion!