
Metagross nicknames

a robotic Pokémon with a metallic blue body and four legs. Because of its build, it looks like a robot spider

Metagross was introduced in Generation 3 with a Steel/Psychic typing so there’s plenty of inspiration for nicknames.

Let’s look at some info on Metagross and suggested nicknames.


Metagross is a robotic Pokémon with a metallic blue body and four legs. Because of its build, it looks like a robot spider (which will inspire the nicknames!). Metagross is the result of two Metang fusing together, in a similar fashion to Magnemite combining to create Magneton. This fusion means that Metagross has four brains making it more intelligent than a supercomputer.

Etymologically, Metagross could be a portmanteau of metal and cross, or gross referring to its weight. Meta- as a prefix also has associations with technology, AI, and robotics.


My methodology for nicknames is as follows:

  • I rank nicknames by lettered tiers: S, A, B, C, and D. S is the best and D is the worst.
  • I may use generative AI for inspiration. I’ll always mark these nicknames with an asterisk (*) but they’ll always be amended where necessary
  • I’ll usually list my inspiration for a nickname so you know where they came from

With all that said, let’s look at those Metagross nicknames!


  • Deep Blue


  • Metal Face
  • Spawn
  • Mainframe
  • Iron Monger
  • MoMetaBlues
  • Earl Luminum - from Rocket Slime


  • Arachnoid
  • Turbo
  • Daemon
  • Glitch
  • Arachnode
  • Googlebot
  • Bingbot
  • Crux
  • Croix
  • Mantis
  • Mondo
  • Behemoth - via Jeans on YouTube
  • Petagross
  • Tektite - this and the next 3 are from Legend of Zelda
  • Manhandla
  • Gohma
  • Deeler


  • Steven
  • Summit
  • Fugaku
  • Sierra
  • petaFLOPS
  • Blue Gene
  • Frontier
  • Metabyte
  • Slashdot
  • Nerubian
  • MaskedSinger
  • Claw
  • Gossamer - a partial anagram
  • Maestro - and another
  • Igor
  • Iron Man v1
  • Arachno-Bot
  • La Princesse
  • Arms Race


  • Quadruped
  • Eyebeeyem - you can work it out…
  • Spider-Gross
  • Ray Rizzo
  • Robotnik
  • Roboquad

Do you have a favourite Metagross nickname or have a suggestion of your own? If you like any of my nicknames or want to suggest one of your own, head over to the contact me link on the left and email me your suggestion!