
My shinies

Here is a list of my shinies from every Pokémon game that has shinies.

I currently have over 253 shinies which may not be visible as this page is a work in progress. I can only fit the sprite, species name, and nickname in the table but if you want to see more info about each shiny—including how I got it and what game it came from—you can check out the JSON file where all the data lives.

Note: if names are separated by a slash, it means I have more than one.

Images courtesy of The Spriters Resource

a sprite of BulbasaurBulbasaurFrogalicious
a sprite of VenusaurVenusaurBruteroot
a sprite of SquirtleSquirtle-
a sprite of BlastoiseBlastoiseSprayCharles
a sprite of KakunaKakuna-
a sprite of BeedrillBeedrill-
a sprite of ArbokArbokGolden Cobra
a sprite of PikachuPikachuBambina
a sprite of RaichuRaichuSolange
a sprite of SandslashSandslashKat
a sprite of ClefairyClefairyPiepi
a sprite of NinetailsNinetails-
a sprite of VenomothVenomoth2K3
a sprite of MeowthMeowthShinySheldon
a sprite of PersianPersianSheldon
a sprite of PsyduckPsyduckRandy
a sprite of GolduckGolduckLucky Duck / Dabble
a sprite of MankeyMankey-
a sprite of PrimeapePrimeapeShiner
a sprite of GrowlitheGrowlitheShiny Puppy
a sprite of ArcanineArcanine-
a sprite of PoliwrathPoliwrath-
a sprite of KadabraKadabra-
a sprite of AlakazamAlakazam-
a sprite of MachampMachamp-
a sprite of TentacruelTentacruelTentadude
a sprite of Graveler (Kantonian)Graveler (Kantonian)JayneJohnson
a sprite of Graveler (Alolan)Graveler (Alolan)Orange Woman
a sprite of Golem (Alolan)Golem (Alolan)Terrorcotta
a sprite of PonytaPonyta-
a sprite of RapidashRapidash-
a sprite of MagnemiteMagnemiteIridium
a sprite of MagnetonMagnetonEmptygold
a sprite of DodrioDodrioFincher
a sprite of DewgongDewgongSiren
a sprite of Muk (Alolan)Muk (Alolan)Trashgirl
a sprite of CloysterCloysteriMac G3
a sprite of HaunterHaunterPoster Boy
a sprite of OnixOnix-
a sprite of VoltorbVoltorbBolazul
a sprite of ElectrodeElectrodeBlue
a sprite of Exeggutor (Kantonian)Exeggutor (Kantonian)Dunkaccino
a sprite of Exeggutor (Alolan)Exeggutor (Alolan)-
a sprite of WeezingWeezingLA
a sprite of ChanseyChansey-
a sprite of HorseaHorseaShiu
a sprite of ElectabuzzElectabuzzHoney Monster / Lightyear
a sprite of Paldean Tauros (Combat Breed)Paldean Tauros (Combat Breed)Charcolt
a sprite of MagikarpMagikarpJersey
a sprite of GyaradosGyaradosKeith Herring / Sauce
a sprite of LaprasLaprasEver Given
a sprite of DittoDitto-
a sprite of EeveeEevee-
a sprite of VaporeonVaporeon-
a sprite of JolteonJolteon-
a sprite of FlareonFlareon-
a sprite of PorygonPorygon-
a sprite of ArticunoArticunoSialia
a sprite of ArticunoArticuno-
a sprite of ZapdosZapdosSiskin
a sprite of ZapdosZapdos-
a sprite of MoltresMoltresFenix
a sprite of MoltresMoltres-
a sprite of DragoniteDragoniteMaxine
a sprite of MewtwoMewtwoGRNFrieza
a sprite of MewMew-
a sprite of FeraligatrFeraligatrTOTO
a sprite of SentretSentretToys 'R' Us
a sprite of HoothootHoothootRobert
a sprite of NoctowlNoctowlMustard
a sprite of SpinarakSpinarakTsunami
a sprite of AriadosAriadosSilk Threads
a sprite of MareepMareep-
a sprite of AmpharosAmpharos-
a sprite of AzumarillAzumarill-
a sprite of SudowoodoSudowoodoIpkiss
a sprite of PolitoedPolitoedOxygen
a sprite of JumpluffJumpluffWild Glizzy
a sprite of YanmaYanmaChroma / Belle 22 / Belle 230
a sprite of WooperWooper-
a sprite of QuagsireQuagsire-
a sprite of UmbreonUmbreon-
a sprite of MurkrowMurkrowDarkwingDuck / Purple Rain
a sprite of ForretressForretressAtlanta / Jasper / Fashawn / The Orb / Gottmik / Lament / Goldie Spawn
a sprite of GligarGligarCornell
a sprite of SteelixSteelix-
a sprite of GranbullGranbullJarre
a sprite of HeracrossHeracrossFuschia
a sprite of SneaselSneaselPink Panther
a sprite of SlugmaSlugmaTip-Ex
a sprite of PiloswinePiloswine-
a sprite of OctilleryOctillery-
a sprite of DelibirdDelibirdGuardian
a sprite of KingdraKingdraAzulejo
a sprite of DonphanDonphanBeeg Trouble
a sprite of Porygon2Porygon2Cyberduck
a sprite of HitmontopHitmontopSolomon
a sprite of BlisseyBlissey-
a sprite of RaikouRaikou-
a sprite of EnteiEntei-
a sprite of SuicuneSuicune-
a sprite of Ho-OhHo-Oh-
a sprite of CelebiCelebi-
a sprite of SwampertSwampert-
a sprite of PoochyenaPoochyenaGolden Pooch
a sprite of MightyenaMightyenaMickyBluEyes
a sprite of LotadLotadPartyman
a sprite of RaltsRaltsSomersault
a sprite of ShroomishShroomishMaury
a sprite of HariyamaHariyamaTransRights
a sprite of MedichamMedichamWoosah
a sprite of SwalotSwalotJuice
a sprite of CameruptCameruptBedrock
a sprite of SpoinkSpoinkPuh-Earl
a sprite of FlygonFlygonTerracotta
a sprite of SwabluSwabluThe Cloud
a sprite of AltariaAltariaGoldeldegook
a sprite of SeviperSeviperZygarde 1%
a sprite of MiloticMilotic-
a sprite of ShuppetShuppetCardi
a sprite of BagonBagonHuo
a sprite of ShelgonShelgonCharlotte
a sprite of SalamenceSalamenceRap Scallion
a sprite of MetagrossMetagross-
a sprite of RayquazaRayquaza-
a sprite of JirachiJirachi-
a sprite of DeoxysDeoxysCosmicBOOM